Engineering Construction for Tomorrow
Date & Time
Tuesday, August 20, 2024, 3:45 PM - 4:45 PM

Construction-Engineering, it's one word not two. In reality, it's not even two separate tasks, it's two parts of the same task. To succeed in our Industry today, we must look back to what worked in the decades past when telecom networks first began to be deployed. Efficiency derived from engineers that had experience with construction. Engineers inspected the networks and learned from changes applied during the buildout of their plans. Today's market is flooded with desktop design and digital field collection such as LiDAR and GIS tool sets. Improving design and deployment of networks with technology is as advancement that is taking place now and we should adopt more of these tools.

Our Industry MUST perform field level validation with construction experienced team members, bringing engineers to the field to learn through experience in how to implement a plan and identifying and transferring team members with construction experience into our engineering departments to share their knowledge. Embracing a culture of cross-training will create a more well-rounded team that can find efficiencies through shared experiences and shared leadership.

Attendees will learn to:

  1. Improve team morale and culture through a shared mission and shared leadership.
  2. Expose specialists to the "jack of all trades" mentality.
  3. Apply historical lessons learned to the use of cutting-edge technology, High Tech meets Old School.