Tales From the Field: Top 5 Mistakes We See and How to Avoid Them
Date & Time
Wednesday, August 21, 2024, 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

With higher data rates and faster speeds, proper installation and testing is more critical than ever before. We have seen it all—the good, the bad, and the ugly. Whether forgotten, unintentionally overlooked, or simply not known, these common errors can spell disaster for not only timelines and budgets but the long-term reliability of critical systems. This presentation will highlight the potential pitfalls and discuss proper methodologies to avoid them.

This session will discuss the five major areas of network problems as they apply to fiber infrastructure. The focus and examples discussed will be focused on in-building, however, the same principles equally apply to outside plant infrastructure. The discussion will break down the top five areas and discuss the common mistakes, potential hidden pitfalls, and how to address and avoid them. Areas of focus include contamination, common loss testing mistakes, improper polarity, mistakes using an OTDR, and general installation issues including labeling, routing, and more.

Learnings include:

  1. Recognizing the importance and impact of clean interfaces for performance and reliability.
  2. Articulating proper test methodologies for accurate loss and OTDR measurements.
  3. Identifying the different polarity schemes used for duplex and multifiber connectivity.
  4. Employing proper labeling and cable management practices.