WHEN: Tuesday, July 29, 2025

WHERE: Lakewood Golf Club 
4801 General Degaulle Drive, New Orleans, LA 70131

COST: Registration Fee: $195 | Club Rental Cost: $45 inclusive
Registration includes course fees, access to driving range, golf cart, breakfast, 4 drink tickets, lunch, and awards.

7:20 AM - 8:00 AM: Check in & Breakfast
8:00 AM: Shotgun Start
12:30 PM: Awards & Buffet Lunch

*Transportation is not provided

Want to make sure you're paired with your colleagues and customers?
For groups of 2, 3 or 4, you will all need to register at the link above AND have someone from your group fill out this form. Please return completed form to Lisa Gasaway, lgasaway@endeavorb2b.com no later than July 11, 2025. You must register online, pay and secure a confirmation prior to submitting the pairing form.


Align your company with this exciting tournament for ISE EXPO attendees. Choose from the sponsorships below or speak to our sales representative about a turnkey opportunity at the event!


Swag Bag Item Sponsorship


Hole Sponsorship


Upgraded Hole Sponsorship


Golf Ball Sponsorship


Bogey Sponsorship


Closest to the Pin Sponsorship


Longest Drive Sponsorship


Hill House Beverage Host Sponsorship


Birdie Sponsorship


Eagle Sponsorship


Contact To Book Sponsorship

Robin Queenan

For details on sponsorship deliverables, please contact our sales representative.